Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Prayers of a Little Man

For several months now Todd and I have been reading a Children's Bible with Jadon before he goes to bed. At the end of each reading is a simple little prayer that we take turns reading with Jadon. We will say a few words and he repeats them after us. This is always a very sweet time for our family. Jadon also likes to pray at dinner time. Starting a few nights ago I heard Jadon talking to himself and started listening, only to find out he was praying. This made me even more interested in what he was saying. I heard the prayer of my little man when he thought no one was listening to him. I can't describe how joyful that made my heart to hear him thank God for Haven and Mommy and Daddy and several other things. My hope is that he always just breaks out into prayer of thanks to our God.


Erin Ward said...

Heather I love spending time with your kids at Donna's house. They are so very sweet. Jadon is so smart! They are both little cutties!