Thursday, April 8, 2010

He Is Risen

He is risen indeed!

We taught our kids this greeting from early Christianity. We would say to them, "He is risen!" and they would respond, "He is risen indeed!" It was so fun when they would greet us and we would respond. I received a text from a number I didn't recognize saying, "He is risen". Even though I didn't know who it came from I couldn't pass up the opportunity to respond with "He is risen indeed."

We had a great Easter weekend. Our church held The Big Hunt, with food, inflatables, massive egg hunt, and an illusionist. We have been praying for this event for months and had high hopes of having maybe 500 people show up. The Lord is awesome and we had around 1,200 people there enjoying the beautiful day.

On Easter morning Todd fixed us cinnamon rolls for breakfast, a very big treat since we never have them, and then the kids went on a hunt for their Easter presents. Then we had an awesome worship service at church and headed to my parents for lunch. Worship Sunday was amazing, there were 8 people who now know they are a child of God. Wow!

Here's a little photo montage of our weekend.

We don't tell our kids about the Easter bunny, there is nothing about the bunny that points to Jesus. So, for us we choose not to teach our kids about the bunny. But at The Big Hunt a guy was dressed up for anyone who wanted pictures. My kids were more entertained by the fact that someone would dress up like a big rabbit. Jadon and Kylah are checking him out.
The massive egg hunt.
Enjoying our Easter morning cinnamon rolls. This is a huge treat for the kids.
The kids chasing Papa's chicks after Easter lunch. Jude kept catching them and throwing them back in the hen house, to which I am pretty sure they were very thankful to get away from him.