Thursday, June 24, 2010

Chick-fil-a Princess

I love Chick-fil-a, is my favorite fast food place. The kids are the same. Anytime we are in the area of Chick-fil-a that's where they want to eat. So, Haven was pretty excited when we learned they were hosting a Princess Night. They had all the things a Princess would want, hair and make-up, face painting, fingernail painting, meet Miss Missouri and Miss Teen Missouri and free samples of food.

Mom and I took Haven and Kylah and Great Gram joined us too. We had a great girls night out. The lines were so long for everything that we only had time to get the faces painted and have pictures taken with Miss Missouri and Miss Teen Missouri and, of course, eat. But the girls had a blast and they looked like little Princesses in their matching dresses and tiaras.

The only disappointing thing of the whole evening was while waiting in line to see Miss Missouri and get her autograph and a picture taken with her I, and everyone else, could see her teal panties. Yes, her dress was so short that when she sat down you could see her underwear. I doubt it was intentional to show off her bright teal underwear to a bunch of little girls. But I was a little, okay a lot, disappointed that someone who has positioned herself to be a role model for young girls would be dressed so inappropriately. In line all I could think about was how I really wanted to tell her thanks for wearing a dress so short we can all see her underwear, including little girls that will grow up thinking that's how they need to dress to be pretty.

I was so overjoyed when Haven, not being impressed with them at all, refused to have her picture taken with them. I found myself smiling and saying that's just fine sweetheart let's go find something else to do. Jesus, I pray that she finds her value in You and not in her clothes (or lack of) and outward appearance.