Thursday, April 10, 2008

All The H's? We Have Them!

Has anyone seen the commercial where it starts out with the letter H missing, one part shows a kindergarten class saying the alphabet and when they get to the letter H it's not there. Everyone knows that H should go there, but it's like it's left. At the end they show why and it's because they've all left to go be on the new Lexus hybrid cars. Well, I have a new theory on where the H's have gone. They're in my daughter's vocabulary.

Almost everything she says starts with and H. I've started working on making the sounds correctly and this is what we now have.

Haven's word for blankie: "hay-hee"

Mommy trying to work with her: "b (the sound of the letter b)-blankie"

Haven's response: "b (the sound of the letter b)-hay-hee"

Haven showing Mema her blankie: "b (the sound of the letter b)-hay-hee"

At least she has the phonics down for the letter B, still can't get her to use it for the actual word.

Another favorite lately has been saying chipmunk. Mema bought the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks (which by the way is very cute, highly recommend it) and we borrowed it. Well, the weekend we borrowed it I think we watched it every time the kids were allowed to watch a movie. I could probably act the whole movie out for you. Which I won't do because I'm a bad actress. Anyway, this is how Haven says Chipmunk, "pih-munk", with the enunciation on the "pih".

Some more Haven vocabulary:
Haff - giraffe
hor-hee - horse
heep - sheep
hink - pink
hass - grass
And see if you can guess what this one means: heen