Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dollar Flip Flops and Chocolate Covered Strawberries

So, yes I did it. I braved Old Navy yesterday, on the day they had their flip flops for 1 dollar. I don't know if I got a great deal or was just out of my mind. I spent 2 hours in the store trying to check out and came home with flip flops and a dress for me, flip flops for my sister, brother and his girlfriend.

When I finally emerged from the never ending line at Old Navy my mom and I hit a few more stores to take advantage of their great sales. I was needing some things for China. I also wanted to look for some dress shirts for Jadon. He's about to outgrow all his others. I was not disappointed by the deals I found. Especially for Jadon, I found nice button down shirts at Gymboree for $5.

While I was having a good shopping day (it was nice to be shopping, I hadn't been to the mall in months) Todd was at home. I had no idea what he was up to, but when I got home I was pleasantly surprised. I came home to a picnic basket with a rose, a movie, sparkling grape juice, wine glasses and chocolate covered strawberries. Chocolate covered strawberries that he had spent the day making. I am convinced that I have the best husband ever!

He had treated me to a date night with sushi on Friday and now a picnic date in our living room after the kids go to bed. And he made me chocolate covered strawberries. I am so blessed.

I took a picture of the delicious strawberries. I think they are definitely the best strawberries I have ever had. Yummy!