Thursday, January 27, 2011


I had an older boy who used to pick on me almost everyday on the school bus. I was in kindergarten and he was in high school. Going to a small school meant k through 12 rode the bus together.

I hated it and tried sitting behind the bus driver so he couldn't pick on me. My mom and dad complained to the school several times. I would come home with marks where he hit me or crying because of the mean things he said to me. I don't exactly know how or why, but it eventually stopped.

I have known for a couple of months that Jadon has an older girl on his bus that calls him names. He shared this with Nana, but hadn't share any of this with me until this week. We talked a little about what she says and I asked him if it hurt his feelings. "Not really," he said.

He told me that he still treats her with kindness even though she doesn't deserve it. I asked him if he knew what that was called and after thinking for a second he said, "Grace."

I am so proud of the way he has handled this situation. Before bed he and daddy talked about ways to show kindness to her. Jadon decided he wanted to take her a cookie. I had made no bake cookies that night.

Jadon came into my room and asked if he could have an extra cookie the next day to take to this girl. That day after school we asked how it went. He gave her the cookie, she didn't say anything until he was getting off the bus and then she asked why he gave her a cookie. He wanted to show kindness.

It hasn't stopped and she continued today to call him names. She will do what she will do and my prayer is that Jadon continues to show her grace.


Amanda said...

Wow, Heather. The Lord is right there with Jadon as he's going through this. What an awesome kid. I had a bully across the street from me growing up and by the time we were in high school, she was horrified by how she had treated me. I remember doing something like Jadon did to see if what God said was really true. I will never forget the look on her face in response. I am so mad that a high school boy was allowed to hit you on the bus. That is horrible!