Thursday, January 7, 2010


Merry Christmas from The Wallaces.

We had a great Christmas season. One of the most special things about this holiday is that we got to spend it with my niece, who we had not seen in 4 years. Since September we have seen her every other weekend and having her for Christmas made it a very special one.

We also got to spend some time with cousins from Texas.

Also making this Christmas very special this year was the age of the kids. Of course, with kids Christmas is very exciting because of presents and my kids were very eager to share their lists with you, but a magical thing also happened. We were able to share and discuss the real reason we celebrate Christmas and why we get presents and they understood it even more than the year before. I loved having conversations about Christmas with Jadon. We talked about how everything points to Jesus, even Santa.

Todd and I decided from the beginning to tell the kids about St. Nicholas, Santa. We shared with them the true story and how he loved Jesus and gave gifts to the needy because of his love for Him. We have pictures taken with Santa and even this year at my mom's work a wonderful man who works for her dressed as Santa and spent the day greeting the kids that came through the GA. I took the kids to see him and we even caught him parking airplaines. St. Nicholas is still magical, but not because of himself, but because his life was lived loving Jesus and doing for others and that is what we want our kids to take away from him. He's not just this man who brings you things, he was a man who loved Jesus and therefore gave of himself to help others.

Santa at the airport.

Jadon was also in his first Christmas Play at church. The kids did a wonderful job with it and I was a proud mommy watching my eldest up on the stage. I will admit that the poor child has the musical ability of his mommy and that is pretty bad. He was in the choir and they sang the cutest songs and had the cutest motions to go along with them. But poor Jadon, he could either sing or do the motions. He could not do them both at the same time (the songs were too fast for him, again he is my son and not his fathers). At one point during the play we all thought he was going to start singing and it was just a big ol yawn. And we even spent days practicing at home with the cd. It was quite comical watching Jadon trying to do the moves and trying to singing and then there is Haven standing right beside him singing and doing the motions so perfectly. Too bad she was too young to be in the play.

Anyway, we were very proud of him and he did those motions with all the emotion of one having to calculate every movement. He's our little logical robot, sensitive and caring, but definitely logical and analytical.