Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Foot In The Mouth Moment

This morning Haven and I had one of those moments that as a mom make you think and smile at the wonderful way a child's mind works. Haven was getting dressed to go to Mema's house and decided she wanted to wear her "rainbow" shoes instead of her crocs. She was having a bit of trouble and politely asked for help, she is getting so much better at asking for help instead of demanding it.

I sat down on the floor with her and showed her how to grab the tongue of the shoe so it wouldn't end up at her toes and she slid her foot right in. Here's how our interaction went:

Haven, "Will you please help me?"

Me, "Yes, grab the tongue and hold it, then slip your foot in."

Haven, "He he, the tongue." (she usually laughs when I refer to the tongue of the shoe)

Haven, "Is this the mouth?" (pointing to the part of the shoe her foot goes in)

Me, laughing "Well, that would make sense."

I love getting insight into the thoughts of children. And Haven's little mind is full of interesting and fun ideas and thoughts.
On to a story about Jadon, that is far less amusing. I, the unsuspecting mom went to hang clothes in Haven's closet only to be met with the stench of pee when I opened the door. At first I dismissed the idea of there actually being pee in the closet and went about hanging clothes. But the longer I stood there the more I continued to smell it. Finally, I gave into what I didn't want to believe and started looking around for the culprit of the smell. I bent over to sniff around and got a big disgusting whiff of pee, looked down and there was Haven's trash can sitting in the closet. Why would Haven's trash can be in the closet? Ewww! To hide the inch of pee sitting in it.

In my mind there was only one offender, Jadon Creed Wallace. I quickly called him into the bedroom and asked him if was the one relieving himself in his sister's trash can. Oh no mom, it was Haven. Hmmm, how could Haven have peed in the trash can. His honest response, she stood over it and just peed.

Okay, now I'm taken aback. Because I'm almost positive that Haven is not tall enough to stand over her trash can, so this only means that Jadon did do it AND has come up with a pretty good lie to blame someone else.

Enters Haven into the conversation and she, of course, says she didn't do it, that Bud did. I do a little experiment to see if Haven is tall enough, which she isn't, and then I start laying out the punishment for first peeing in a trash can instead of the toilet and then for lying.

Jadon did finally confess, which did not spare him from his punishment. But I was a least thankful he was willing to confess and ask for forgiveness.

So, the moral of the story. When you smell pee there is usually a reason, and usually isn't a good reason.