Tuesday, October 2, 2007

No Please

From the moment Jadon started talking we've been working on manners. Instead of just saying No, say No thank you and using please. Well, what do you do when those manners come back to you at a time you least expect it? We had such a time on Saturday night getting ready for bed. Our routine is we all pray together has a family before Haven is layed down for bed. Then we play a game or put puzzles together with Jadon, his choice. After about 30 min of doing whatever he's chosen we read his Bible stories and we pray again and he goes to bed.

When we pray as a family Jadon will pray first and then Todd and I take turns saying the prayers for that night. I had asked Jadon if he wanted to pray. His response to me was, "No please, but thank you for asking". I sat there for a moment taking in what he had just said. I looked at Todd and really didn't know what to say after that. What I really meant to say to Jadon was, "Jadon it's time for you to pray". I didn't intend for it to be a question. But, I thanked him for being polite and went ahead and said the night time prayers.

Later Todd and I laughed about it and then wondered what will happen to us if he learns to start using politeness when he doesn't want to do something. Another thing as a parent you have to figure out as you try to stay one step ahead.


Anonymous said...

I think it's great. I think its wonderful that he politely refused and I think it's fantastic that you didn't make him pray. Maybe God himself had you ask instead of tell that night because he needed the chance to know his relationship with God is his choice. hugs!