Haven petting the dog, still amazed she went near it.
Jadon going through the maze and then when he made it through. Haven and Daddy going through the maze.
Jadon working very diligently on his pumpkin and the finished project.
One day we will see Jesus and our beautiful first born daughter, until then...
Haven petting the dog, still amazed she went near it.
Jadon going through the maze and then when he made it through. Haven and Daddy going through the maze.
Jadon working very diligently on his pumpkin and the finished project.
Posted by Heather at 1:45 PM 1 comments
Here is the track Jadon got for his birthday. The trains are battery powered and he will turn them on and lay in the floor and watch them.
Posted by Heather at 1:28 PM 1 comments
Posted by Heather at 3:09 PM 2 comments
This weekend Nana took us to Toys R Us. We looked for Jadon's birthday present and a costume for Jadon and Haven for the church costume party. We ended up bypassing the Halloween costumes and looked over in the dress up area and found the perfect thing for Jadon. He is so into trains right now, well, trains and airplanes. Through searching and looking we finally found it - a conductor's uniform. It is perfect! I think he has worn in everyday since we got it. We even wore it to go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart.
I never thought I would be a mom that let my children wear costumes or shorts and cowboy boots or anthing that didn't match, into a public store. Well, when you become a mom you quickly realize that this is not a battle worth fighting. He's hopefully learning to be his own person and not be swayed by what others around him think. If this small act can help in that direction then he can wear his conductor's uniform or put his boots on with his shorts and even wear his bicycle helmet to the mall with Mema.
We do vow, however, to not let him leave the house in just his Incredibles boxers (that he got from Lucas) and a tank top. Now matter how much he asks! That is not appropriate any way you look at it.
Not to leave Miss Haven out, she too got a costume. A cute pink leopard kitty cat costume. She also came away with a baby bottle so she may start feeding her babies.
This is the baby's last feeding of the day before her and Haven go to bed.
Posted by Heather at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Haven got to experience her first bubble bath. She didn't quite know what to think of the bubbles and kept trying to wipe them off at first. Eventually she got into it and had fun splashing around and trying to eat them. I honestly think she feels as though she has not fully experienced things until she has tasted them. Everything, and I mean everything goes into her mouth. Jadon caught a frog at Mema's and held it up for her to see. What did she try to do - she opened up her mouth! Thankfully for the quick hands of Mema. I really hope she grows out of this stage.
Back to bubble baths. Here are pictures of Haven's first bubble bath. They have bath toys, but their favorite things to play with are cups.
This is the closest, so far, I've come to getting them both looking at the camera. Now, work on the smile.
Posted by Heather at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Or as my husband fondly refers to it, Steal Your Dollar City. However, this is one of Jadon's favorite places to go. Jadon loves to ride all the rides and has never been scared of any of them. Haven enjoys trying to run off and give me a heart attack. Thankfully we get season passes for Christmas from Mema.
I always love going down and seeing the beautiful decorations, especially for fall and Christmas. Christmas is the only time I get Todd to go down with us, the rest of the year I'm thankful for grandma's and Aunt Mal who will brave the crowds with us. Here are pictures of our fun filled day. Very disappointing about this trip was that I did not get to ride the rides with Jadon. Everything was prohibited if you were pregnant. So, Mema had to fill in for me.
I don't know why I keep trying to get that perfect picture of them both looking at the camera and smiling. I just know one of these days I'm going to capture it that elusive picture. Still, looking at the camera or not they're stinking cute!
This is one of Jadon's favorite rides because he's tall enough to ride by himself. He's giving props to his mamma.
Hard to see him, but he and Mema are in the 2nd to last cart. Unless your young and agile, this ride is not to fun on the ole neck and back.
Haven did a lot of running, and usually from me.
Haven smelling the flowers and holding her teddy bear Jadon won for her. I was so proud of him, he won and prize and picked a bear to give to Haven. Of course, he got another chance because of his kindness and he won himself a puppy, seen below.
Posted by Heather at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Posted by Heather at 8:20 PM 2 comments
No, this is not an entry about dogs. The Puggles I'm talking about is the new program in Awana and refers to a baby platypus. Our church is in it's 3rd year in the Awana program. And this is the first year that it really excites me. Since they added this new club, Puggles, Jadon is now old enough to go. Last Wednesday was his first night as a Puggles, or as he calls it, Piggles. I was the overly nerdy mom there taking pictures of my son with his first name badge, first time with his new teacher in the opening and playing games with other kids now getting to enjoy Puggles.
Here are pictures of Jadon at his first Puggles meeting. By the way he loved it and came home talking about everything they discussed in class. He can't wait to go back, every day he asks me if it is time to go to Puggles.
Jadon with his teacher and my big red bag in the background. I think when Jude comes I may just carry him in it.
His first craft, a picture of the clouds.
Posted by Heather at 10:00 AM 1 comments
From the moment Jadon started talking we've been working on manners. Instead of just saying No, say No thank you and using please. Well, what do you do when those manners come back to you at a time you least expect it? We had such a time on Saturday night getting ready for bed. Our routine is we all pray together has a family before Haven is layed down for bed. Then we play a game or put puzzles together with Jadon, his choice. After about 30 min of doing whatever he's chosen we read his Bible stories and we pray again and he goes to bed.
When we pray as a family Jadon will pray first and then Todd and I take turns saying the prayers for that night. I had asked Jadon if he wanted to pray. His response to me was, "No please, but thank you for asking". I sat there for a moment taking in what he had just said. I looked at Todd and really didn't know what to say after that. What I really meant to say to Jadon was, "Jadon it's time for you to pray". I didn't intend for it to be a question. But, I thanked him for being polite and went ahead and said the night time prayers.
Later Todd and I laughed about it and then wondered what will happen to us if he learns to start using politeness when he doesn't want to do something. Another thing as a parent you have to figure out as you try to stay one step ahead.
Posted by Heather at 10:15 AM 1 comments
This poor horse at 9:00 in the morning looked like me at the end of my day. I don't think it could have held it's head up if you put a carrot in front of his face.
Haven after her long day of riding in the stroller, it's amazing how that riding can tucker you out.
Posted by Heather at 9:49 AM 0 comments
It seems like some weekends we don't do anything and then others are jammed packed with all kinds of things to do. This past weekend was one of those every minute planned out. Jadon and Haven loved it, they love to go and usually will go anywhere. On Friday morning we met up with a dear friend from highschool that has a daughter the same age as Jadon. We went to the park and let the kids run around while we tried to catch up on things. We have gone all summer without seeing each other. The kids are finally getting old enough where we can actually get some talk time in. Our times together used to be say "hi" and then run after our kiddos the rest of the time and then say "bye" and hugs when we left.
Posted by Heather at 9:11 AM 0 comments
All the ends of the earth shall remember
and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.
Psalm 22:27