Thursday, March 4, 2010

Potty Time

We started last Friday with potty training Jude. He had been telling us for some time when he needed to go and showing interest in sitting on the potty. So, we took on the challenge of freeing him from his diaper. He's done well. It hasn't been as easy as the other two, but he loves to sit on the potty. He has his stack of books sitting on the vanity and his jar of m&m's for his reward. When it's time to go sit on the potty he picks out one of his books and sits and reads. We usually go through all 5 books twice before he his ready to get up. I think there was one time during the second day that he sat there for 30 minutes reading his books.

I couldn't help myself, I snapped some really cute pictures of him on the big boy potty.

He's into heavy reading too, John Piper's The Blazing Center. It seriously is in his stack of books he chose. He calls it Dada's book and it is so cute listening to him "read" the book.
So proud of the big boy.


belinda said...

That's so cute. It gives me flashbacks to the videos we have of Erin "reading her books" when she was two! I bet he'll be potty trained in no time.!