Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vacation Bible School

This week at our church we've had Vacation Bible School and Jadon's old enough that he can go to the classes instead of hanging out in the Nursery. My job has been registration, so after all the munchikins arrive I'm done. I get to walk around to the different classes and hang out and watch the kids. I think this might be my favorite job ever at a VBS.

On Sunday night I had one of those get there at the perfect moment times. I had just walked up to the door of Jadon's class and was listening to his teacher telling them the story. Our preschool teacher is such a great story teller, I'm always amazed at how she gets, keeps and engages the students in her stories.

It was the story of when the Isrealites left Egypt. She had the kids flatten out play-do for the unleavened bread and as she told the story her helpers put head dresses on each of the kids. Then they grabbed their bread, carried it on their shoulders and left Egypt. She took them around the building a couple of times all the while carrying their bread. It was the cutest thing.

When she told the story it was like she was talking to a room of Isrealite children. I stood there almost feeling like I was transported to the story in the Bible.

Leave it to my son though to bring everything back to modern day. While the teacher was talking about the unleavened bread and needing to take it with us Jadon pipes up very loudly that he needs butter for his bread.

Butter? We're pretending. The "bread" is really flattened play-do. The teacher looked at Jadon and said, "We don't have time to grab the butter. We have to leave quickly."

When my child pretends he goes all out and you can not have bread without butter.

Jadon has absolutely loved going to Vacation Bible school. Everytime I see him he yells, "Mom, I'm at Vacation Bible school!"


thehirschgang said...

That teacher sounds like she's really passionate about God and kids knowing Him...wish I had more teachers like that. That's so great.
We miss you guys! I showed Gary the pics of the kids, and he said we better get together before they grow anymore. :)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

alright, pumpkin. VBS is a thing of the past. let's start doing some more updating. since i don't get to see you on sundays anymore, this is my only connection to your cute little lives!!!! :-) love and miss you.